Sunday, August 21, 2016

100 Days To Go!

A few days ago while walking home from the grocery, I looked at J and asked him, "Are you sure you're going to marry me?" To which he instantly replied, "What kind of a question is that? Of course, I will!"

Lately, it is becoming more and more frequent that I feel all these mixed emotions -- of being so excited and at the same time overwhelmed with all that's happening and going to happen.

And today, it's 100 days to my wedding day!!!

I've so much worries everyday if I could keep up to being a good wife and a good mother to my new family. And yet, my future husband always assures and re-assures that I am doing all these preparations gracefully.

He always thanks me for making his life organized. What he doesn't know is that, he does the same for me as well. When all the while I thought I could have lived a full life at 40, now I am bargaining to the One above to bless me with more years, so I could make more memories with my husband, our children, and hopefully, grandchildren.

There are still a lot of things to prepare for the wedding day, but I guess I'm so much more ready for the marriage life. I can't wait for my biggest dream yet to unfold -- to become a wife.