Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Personalised Monogram

I've done quite a few projects over the years, and wedding materials tops my most favourite.

The monogram though, is quite crucial as it will be placed in almost all wedding materials. I have realised that while it's an excitement doing so for others, it's more difficult when I am my own client.

What made it easier for me though, is that I followed a creative process that works all the time. This is a good guide for anybody who's into this dilemma. Before I commence, I incubate the following to create the monogram I envisioned to be:

1. What would I want my monogram to have. Do I like our whole names in it, or first name, or just the first letters?
2. What type of Typography I would want to use. This might be alien to non-designers but typography is divided into different elements; major ones are the Serif, Sans Serif, Calligraphy, and Decorative.
3. What other elements would I want to include into the monogram? Would it be a heart, a circle, a wreath?

Having decided on the following, you may be able to start conceptualising the monogram for your wedding, whether you are outsourcing the design, or you are doing it yourself.

In my case, I'd like to play around with the first letters of our names: J and E. I wanted it to be simple, straightforward and classy so I chose to have a Serif font, though I have also considered Sans Serif font in some studies. In addition to that, I've an immense fondness with the ampersand (&) so I'd like to incorporate it into the letters J and E as well.

Started with these four studies, used both Serif and Sans Serif Fonts,
incorporated the ampersand and added a small heart for a soft touch.

I've finally established that I'd like to have a Serif font, thus I focused on it.
It may all look the same but a simple change in thickness of font
changes the whole look and feel.
Finalised and approved monogram.
I've sought input from my sisters, and friends dear to me during the whole process. This decision might be a quite tricky as most of them has diverse opinions, and since we're innate people-pleasers, it usually becomes disappointing not to have followed what they wanted.

When this happens to you, I suggest that you take a moment with your fiancé to talk this over. He might have suggestions and opinions that you can consider. And always, always follow your heart, whatever makes you feel happy about. That's what I did. After all, this is my wedding. I can do whatever I want that pleases me.

I am happy with how our monogram turned out.

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